Revelation Series #38: The God of Time and Place

by admin on November 5, 2014

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Hans Viljoen November 5, 2014 at 2:16 pm

Hi Martin
I wonder about the Name you use, JEHOVA.
I believe it is just a corrupted form of the Tetragrammaton YHWH with the vowels of Elohim.
Your comment please.

Jesse Elnathan jonker November 5, 2014 at 12:41 pm

Hello Martin!
First of all, thank you!
Thanks for messing up my mind. I need to get rit of everything that interpretation of the bible by “the church” and my own answers to things.
God, El, Elhoim, Jehova, He spoke to the writers of the scriptures, living now in the ayon where the God is silent but He moves my every step, He wants me to be in a place at a certain time. Help? Am I responsible for something, or nothing, no free will at all? I say no to all when God let me, say yes if He let me….

I feel like I am in the bunker with you for already over 30 days (what are you actually doing there btw ? )
I am learning a lot over the last few years. God who’s almighty. Has a plan. We are ‘just’ a bunch of instruments in His hands.
The more I understand the less I want to participate in this current world. Want to leave everything behind.
At the same time I don’t know what inspires me to do or don’t do things.
Confusion and at the same time rest and peace inside.
I left the church. Missing social contacts but find it hard to be and mong other people, especially the Christians that has more superstition faith then believe God and mong His word.
Anyway, a lot of questions but at the same time….just let it happen…just sit and wait until the next ayon starts. …..
It kind of drives me crazy but I can’t stop eating it.

Thanks Martin!
Hi from the Netherlands. .,

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