Revelation Series #143: The Black Horse Rider

by admin on April 22, 2015

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cindy April 22, 2015 at 10:10 pm

Majority of people,myself included, suffer from “First World Problems,”we can’t imagine the rug being pulled out from under us every thing is easy peasy right now,the majority of us have air,water,food,clothes,shelter law and order for the most part,government,for the most part,we have stability for the most part,we tend to think it is all going to go on and on we can’t fathom Not having any of the above especially in a twinkle of an eye! What a shock,the whole earth is in for,it is hard to bear the thought,even though it must be done for God’s ultimate good for us,getting there ain’t gonna be pretty!Press on any way you can!

doglover April 22, 2015 at 4:43 pm

Martin. rest in Father, He is your source. LOL,Barb

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