Revelation Series #134: War Drives World Toward Unity

by admin on April 9, 2015

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True11 July 26, 2017 at 5:19 am

It’s hard for me to believe that 500 of the elect are alive right now and that’s all. Though we cannot possibly have a count that we can see on this side of Resurrection – there are many groups who believe in UR and are committed to the Truth. Bible Truths, Askelm, martin of course . I could include Tentmakers but they still preach the Trinity. And that’s just the few I can think of in this country- not the world over. Before I knew not to call God a trinity, I did not stop to think that what I was really saying is that Jesus just scarified his body for us and did not really die. When you cannot see it and it’s just confusing but you’re heart is still toward God- well, God is in control and He knows His own. All around you could be a lie, but a heart can be listening to God.

S.D.R. July 23, 2017 at 12:20 am

VID #134 in this series = FRESH WISDOM OF TRUTH !!
Dear friends this should be recommended to ANYONE with
ears to hear… in specific ; from Minute Seven and Forward .

Petra April 9, 2015 at 4:48 pm

Good one Martin.

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