Revelation Series #592 The Beast, the Adversary, and the False Prophet

by admin on February 3, 2017

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WesF July 30, 2019 at 11:00 am

At 1:43 – “The beast, the Adversary, and the false prophet at one time were humans. But I believe they were humans who were overcome, overtaken by spiritual beings.”

At 3:00 – “And again, I insist they’re supernatural. These are the beings who inhabited the beast and the false prophet. The beast and false prophet, I believe, began as human beings. They were obsessed by spirit demons. And the demons who inhabited them are cast into the lake of fire. The people themselves went the way of death.”

Was the inclusion of the Adversary (at 1:43) as one who was at one time human a slip of the tongue, or am I missing something?

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