Revelation Series #171: Believe God; Stop Reasoning

by admin on June 8, 2015

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Petra June 11, 2015 at 5:53 pm

Children lose their parents in many situations. The tsunami of 2004 off Sri Lanka comes to mind. The one in Japan recently. Earthquakes, wars, AIDS, Ebola epidemics.

keyla87 June 9, 2015 at 5:48 pm

Hello Martin
I just wanted to say first off that I enjoy everything you put out as it is sensical, has answered many questions, and has brought me to peacefully leave religion and church behind without abandoning God. But respectfully I feel you may be missing the mark when it comes to your interpretation of the 144,000 sealed being only males. Yes I am female. Celibate. Please stay with me…

For weeks now I began to randomly experience something that I truthfully don’t wish to go into in a comment section but would love to discuss with you as I believe it to make sense of the song you spoke of just 4 days ago. Again, occurring weeks before you speaking or I even knowing there was even a song for the sealed.

Thank you,

doglover June 8, 2015 at 4:42 pm

Excellent session Martin, thank-you!!! And yes, so good to know that Father does and always will have ALL under control. Good point brought out concerning children being caught-up and parents being left behind. I have never heard anyone bring up this analogy before, excellent. How often our crazy emotions get involved and send us off in a whirlwind of fear and mistrust in our Father. Oh Father… keep me from falling.

baxter50 June 8, 2015 at 3:16 pm

Good stuff Martin!

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