Revelation Series #139: Homosexuals in the Body of Christ

by admin on April 16, 2015

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mascioli April 24, 2015 at 5:53 pm

You didn’t mention oral sex at all in your talk on homosexuality- only ‘penetration’ was discussed as being the sin. I can’t imagine that God would want men to give each other oral sex nor women to other women.

cindy April 16, 2015 at 7:41 pm

Revelation makes perfect sense when you figure out through Scripture who’s who from the past and how it effects you in the present and your future and your identity in Christ,Jew,Gentile or other!Paul Apostle to the Gentile’s,who were the Gentiles?Barbs and thornsNumbers33:55Traps and snares and painful briers Joshua23:13 Judges2:3 2Corinthians12:7 Ezekiel28:24 the many lovers of unfaithful Israel past.One religion One Government,Yes Martin,Israel and Christianity will have a fling for old times sake!Other is very good!Therefore,if anyone is in Christ,the new creation has come;the old is gone,the new is here!2Corinthians5:17 Thanks Martin

doglover April 16, 2015 at 6:54 pm

Thank you Martin, God knows doesn’t He? who is part of the body of Christ and who isn’t…
We all have things in our lives that religion would deem as “sinful” and we are not to judge one another as religion does. God is the true judge and He judges what is in the heart. He knows who are His and it is for us to love all others with our Father’s love. We may not like what other’s do, but that is beside the point, we are to love and commit them to Father, knowing that He knows all and is in control of all!!!

robin April 16, 2015 at 3:39 pm

What does nature say about long a man with long hair …
and where does she say this,
besides in church, and in Paul’s letter?

cindy April 16, 2015 at 2:09 pm

Honey,lets go to the Temple of Apollo and Venus tonight,it will be a real “love fest!” I’ve heard they will have high price temple males there for the guys who like to live on “the down low,”we can go late and leave early before the drunken orgies get to hairy scarey and the sacrifice of the goat…said No modern day gay male couple ever,at least none of the couples I know,they want the same things as most human beings want,love and belonging and happiness in the world, they suffer the same delusion as the rest of the world! Apostle Paul,the Apostle who almost wasn’t!Judges 19:1—-

Joseph April 16, 2015 at 12:15 pm

Great presentation. Thanks for speaking boldly. Hopefully people will get it and stop straining the gnats!

gsfretired01 April 16, 2015 at 1:38 pm

What is going on with you and Daniel Sheridan and many others is that all you have on your minds is the argument about men with men and women on women is that all their is in the Body of Christ sex sex sex. It seems as if we have become no better than the political people of the world. God has so much good for us as members of His programs and all we want to do is get in a fools argument about sex and for what purpose just to prove that hey I’m right and your wrong. God has vessels both of honor and dishonor and He will use them as He see’s fit. Many times God has used His creation both Honor and dishonor to achieve His purpose not our purpose. God bless you all and keep on with your studies!

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